We found that sustainability practices are more in line with what we want to practice than organic practices. One key sustainability practice not typically part of organic practices is no-till farming.
No-till farming is the practice of sowing seed and terminating cover crops with minimal or no disturbance of the soil. Tilling is a major cause of destroying soil health. Tilling exposes the beneficial microbes to the air, rain, and sun. Contrary to what many believe, tilling is a destructive practice to soil microbes. The 🌞 bakes the microbes and can kill them. The rain beating down on the field can harm the microbes with its force. And the air can dry them out. Conversely, no-till keeps the microbes much cooler under the Earth (as much as 20 degrees F cooler) on 🌞 days . The undisturbed mulch from no-till protects the microbes from the falling rain and drying wind.
Sustainability practices encourage a holistic approach to managing planet, people, and profit. Each must work harmoniously together to get best outcomes. I think this approach is a winning strategy and makes a lot of sense.
